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Listen, I get it.

Playing music is fun and

Performing is just playing music on stage, right?


Here's the thing though...

Sometimes as musicians, we get so hyper-focused on our music. We tend to be really concerned with our abilities to play a song, sing a high note, or wail on a guitar solo! So we practice our scales, stretch our musical muscles, and become great musicians over time.

The problem here is that we completely neglect the fact that there is often an audience of people watching and listening to us. They are probably enjoying the music we play, but their ears are the only sense we are triggering.
They could just turn around and put their backs to us.

Our crowds come to support us and they probably deserve more than we are giving them.

They are hearing the music, but they need an experience.

A long time ago, (in a galaxy... nevermind), I learned that while I am decent musician, my strengths lied in the fact that I could easily turn complete strangers into best friends by the end of an evening ...

... and many have stayed that way for years!

The effectiveness of your performances has very little to do with how well you play music. 

It has to do much more with how your crowd feels about you and your show.

My Story

Three Ways I can help you ... 


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