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What is your "Shtick?"

Finding Your "Shtick" On Stage

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a Shtick has two definitions:

  1. A usually comic or repetitious performance or routine.
  2. One's special trait, interest, or activity.

The word "shtick" is actually a Yiddish term that was adopted into English. A shtick can be a comedic routine, a recurring theme, a catchphrase, a signature move, or any distinctive element that sets an individual apart and defines their persona.


Having a good shtick can offer several benefits to a performer or musician.

  • Firstly, it helps you stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself in a competitive industry. By having a unique shtick, you create a memorable identity that captures people's attention and leaves a lasting impression. 
  • A well-crafted shtick can also enhance your stage presence, charisma, and overall performance, making you more captivating and engaging to watch.
  • Additionally, a good shtick can help build a dedicated fan base by attracting like-minded individuals who resonate with your own style and persona. It creates a sense of authenticity and uniqueness, fostering a strong connection between you and your audience.


But isn't a shtick just for magicians and comedians?

Nope. There are a surprising amount of musicians, artists, and performers who have created memorable and unique shticks and many are not as cheesy as you might think. Remember that having a shtick is more about being unique so that you can make a real connection with your audience.

Here is a quick example of a classy shtick that made the entire career of one performer. The gentleman known for this famous 5-word phrase has been paid as much as 1 million dollars for a single instance of saying it and the phrase itself is so popular that in 1995, he decided to legally trademark it, making him a multimillionaire ...


Take a look at this list of other great performers who all have a unique shtick:

  1. Lady Gaga - Known for her extravagant costumes and theatrical performances.
  2. Kiss - Renowned for their face paint, pyrotechnics, and elaborate stage shows.
  3. Alice Cooper - Recognized for his shock rock style, incorporating horror theatrics and props.
  4. David Bowie - Remembered for his ever-evolving personas and distinctive fashion sense.
  5. Freddie Mercury - Famous for his flamboyant stage presence and powerful vocal performances with Queen.
  6. Madonna - Noted for her provocative image, reinvention, and boundary-pushing performances.
  7. Elton John - Recognizable for his flamboyant costumes and elaborate piano-playing style.
  8. Prince - Remembered for his androgynous image, virtuosic musicianship, and showmanship.
  9. Taylor Swift - Known for her catchy sing-along pop songs and her intimate relationship with her fans.
  10. Marilyn Manson - Renowned for his controversial image and shock rock performances.
  11. James Brown - Famous for his electrifying stage presence, energetic dance moves, and soulful voice.
  12. Ozzy Osbourne - Noted for his wild behavior, dark image, and captivating live performances.
  13. AC/DC - Renowned for their high-energy performances and consistent rock 'n' roll sound.
  14. Ed Sheeran - Known for his unique messy red hair, beautiful songs, and his on-stage use of guitar looping pedals.
  15. Björk - Famous for her avant-garde style, unique vocal range, and artistic performances.
  16. Daft Punk - Recognizable for their robot personas, electronic music, and visually stunning live shows.
  17. Slipknot - Noted for their masked identities and intense live performances.
  18. GWAR - Renowned for their gory costumes, satirical lyrics, and over-the-top stage shows.
  19. Katy Perry - Remembered for her colorful and playful image, elaborate sets, and catchy pop songs.
  20. Lizzo - Famous for her vibrant personality, empowering lyrics, and energetic live performances.


And this list is just scratching the surface. It didn't even mention some greats like Elvis Presley, or Beyonce.

By the way, "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" is the voice of Michael Buffer if you hadn't looked it up after watching the video. 😉


How do I find my shtick?

Let's look at five ways a performer can find and embrace their shtick on stage:

  1. Self-Exploration
    Take the time to understand your unique strengths, interests, and personality traits. By exploring what makes you special, you can identify what can be incorporated into your shtick. Examine your natural talents, quirks, passions, and personal experiences.

  2. Experimentation
    Trying out different ideas and approaches on stage is essential for discovering a shtick that resonates. Experiment with various styles, gestures, movements, costumes, music, or themes. Then, gauge the reactions and feedback you get from your audience. This process allows you to refine and develop your shtick over time.

  3. Authenticity
    Embracing your true self is crucial in developing an authentic and compelling shtick. While imitation can be key to finding your own style or performance, try to avoid imitating others or trying to fit into preconceived molds on stage. Instead, focus on highlighting your genuine personality. 

  4. Feedback and Audience Interaction
    Engaging with the audience and seeking feedback is invaluable when finding your shtick. Pay attention to your audience's reactions and observe (or even document) which elements of your performance resonate the most. You can also look to trusted sources, like your fellow performers, mentors, or longtime fans/friends, to give you valuable insight and perspective. Take in all feedback you can (good and bad) and adapt accordingly.

  5. Evolution and Adaptation
    Your shtick should find a way to grow over time. As you grow as an artist and your audience evolves,  your shtick should evolve and adapt with you. Stay open to new ideas, experiment with fresh concepts, and always incorporate feedback so your shtick remains relevant, exciting, and engaging.


Final Thoughts

Finding and embracing your shtick is a personal and creative journey. It will take time, exploration, and a willingness to take risks (as it should). Ultimately, your shtick should be a genuine expression of your unique personality and talents, something that cannot be easily replicated, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. 


Thanks for reading.

Best of luck with your next great performance!


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